sâmbătă, 8 mai 2010

Midnight Bayou

In povestea "Midnight Bayou," Nora Roberts imbina romanticul cu elementele de supranatural creeand astfel o poveste unica si incredibila implicand o mare dragoste.
Impulsivul avocat Declan Fitzpatrick isi solutioneaza viata cumparand casa Manet Hall unde vrea sa isi deschida un cabinet de avocatura,dar descopera istoria familiei care a locuit acolo cu peste 100 de ani in urma. Legenda spune ca aceasta casa este bantuita, si dupa scurt timp cand Declan se muta in ea incepe sa auda voci. Declan este atras de frumoasa Lena Simone, care este crescuta da bunica sa Odette care are legatura cu legenda.
Traind in acea casa Declan incepe sa aiba si viziuni din secolul trecut si detalii cu evenimentelor care au avut loc. Cu ajutorul lui Odette, Declan si Lena realizeaza ca ei sunt inexplicabil legati de Manet Hall si descopera un secret socant care a fost ascuns acolo mai mult de 100 de ani.

duminică, 2 mai 2010

The Back-Up Plan - Planul de rezerva

The Back-up Plan is a comedy that explores dating, love, marriage and family in reverse.

After years of dating, Zoe (Jennifer Lopez) has decided waiting for the right one is taking too long. Determined to become a mother, she commits to a plan, makes an appointment and decides to go it alone. That same day, Zoe meets Stan (Alex OLoughlin) a man with real possibilities.

Trying to nurture a budding relationship and hide the early signs of pregnancy becomes a comedy of errors for Zoe and creates confusing signals for Stan. When Zoe nervously reveals the reason for her unpredictable behavior, Stan commits fully and says hes in. Never before has love seen a courtship where a wild night of sex involves three in a bed Stan, Zoe and the ever-present massive pregnancy pillow. Or, where date night consists of being the focal point at a near-strangers water birth which does for kiddie pools what Jaws did for swimming in the ocean. The real pregnancy test comes when both of them realize they really dont know each other outside of hormonal chaos and birth preparations. With the nine month clock ticking, both begin to experience cold feet. Anyone can fall in love, get married and have a baby but doing it backwards in hyper-drive could be proof positive that they were made for each other.