Acest film, in regia lui Lasse Hallstrom, spune povestea unui tanar soldat care se indragosteste de o studenta idealista. Intr-o vacanta de primavara, Savannah Curtis il intalneste pe John Tyree, aflat intr-o scurta permisie. Pentru personajul lui Chaning Tatum, momentul intalnirii reprezinta dragoste la prima vedere. In urmatorii sapte ani cei doi corespondeaza intens, scrisorile lui Savannah (Amanda Seyfried) insemnand pentru tanarul soldat mai mult decat niste simple gesturi romantice, caci la fiecare misiune periculoasa acesta reuseste sa-si mentina echilibrul pishic tocmai cu ajutorul acestori dovezi de dragoste. Insa aceasta indelungata corespondenta are consecinte pe care niciunul dintre cei doi tineri nu le prevede...
While John is on leave in his hometown, he finds Savannah, a college student visiting the town. Although love was unexpected, it doesn't mean they didn't find it. With the knowledge of John having to leave for the army, their love still lives, until his re-signs on due to the 9/11 attack. Troubles invade and their love put on hold. One cannot bear it anymore; can the other?
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